Acupuncture is defined as a therapeutic modality involving the insertion of fine, medical grade needles through the skin, applied at different depths and points to produce a desired effect. In reality there are different applications of the treatment, and many of them are not invasive and do not puncture the skin. Some of the additional techniques utilised in the clinic are;
Cupping utilises cups to selected points on the skin creating pressure and relieving stagnation or pain.
Moxibustion/ Infrared light therapy is the application of dried herbs or a heat lamp to purge and tonify
Electro-acupuncture uses pulsating electrical current on acupuncture points to provide continued stimulation
Auricular acupuncture is specific points applied in the ear with needles or stick-on pellets that can be left for acupressure stimulation by the patient to sustain treatment time
Tuina is a collection of Chinese massage techniques, and;
Shonishin is a form of Japanese Paediatric Acupuncture, non-invasive and great for children who may have some adversity to needling.
Generally, acupuncture works in principle, on correcting any excess or deficiency of yin or yang and relationships to Qi and blood flow within the body. During a consultation, you will be asked questions that may relate to certain Zang-Fu organs that will assist your practitioner to determine the best course of treatment for you. Acupuncture is considered safe when performed by an experienced, well-trained practitioner using sterile needles. Appointments can support both short and long-term health strategies, and lifestyle changes.
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